Four Tips to Increase Laptop Battery Life

12/04/2011 17:09

If you travel often and work while traveling, you can use a longer life cycle of battery. It makes no sense bringing your laptop on a journey if you cannot use it for deficiency of power. It is always an intelligent idea to bring an additional battery with you. But it is way better to practice energy-saving habits to prolong the life of your laptop battery. Here are several of them.

* Lower Screen Brightness

Lower the brightness of the LCD screen when utilizing your laptop. Laptops overeat of energy maintaining bright screen levels. If you'd like more power for computing tasks, you'll have to make do with a darker screen. Make sure that you can still comfortably look at text on your screen when adjusting the brightness of the display.

This is actually a win-win situation. Using a darker LCD screen, take a look at only save power, you'll find that you put less force on your eyes.

* Rest Your Laptop

When about to catch using your laptop, power it down or place it in sleep or hibernate mode. There is a quick button on your laptop that you can press to quickly attain a desired state of activity. Simply closing the lid of some laptop models are listed the units in standby mode.

When active, your laptop is draining considerable energy to spin your disk drive. When your computer is sleeping or hibernating, the tough disk stops spinning; thus, you are able to save power and extend living of your laptop battery.

* Dispose of Unused Peripherals

Computer peripherals for example mice, external hard disk drives and external optical drives need electricity to own. When you are done using these equipment, unplug them from the system so they will no longer drain battery power. Laptops use a touchpad so you can actually make do without a mouse.

* Avoid Unnecessary Applications

Playing games, hearing music, or watching videos will deplete your laptop battery fast. Pinpoint the tasks for which you brought your laptop with you and try not to get distracted by unnecessary applications that can add an extra put on your laptop battery. Attempt not to run too many applications at once too. Your laptop computer will need to work harder to own several applications at one than in the event you run only a few applications at the same time. Stick to important tasks you may have more time to finish them.

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Next time you travel and carry your laptop with you, try out these tips and enjoy your laptop battery go an added mile.