Quick Fixes Fail to Deliver

12/05/2011 01:26

Are you seeking quick-fix solutions to change management? Do you need to wire your employees positively for change? Being a facilitator I have a reasonably varied insight to the ways managers make an effort to create change. Evidence abounds of your conventional approach which attempts to create fast change driven by way of the market or stakeholder demands, option to a more recent wave to drive change deeply on the core beliefs of employees.

The former approach relies upon one change at one time, and is usually a knee-jerk type reaction geared towards moving from the current situation to a desired future scenario. The expectation could be that the new state is going to be quick to create, and grow as steady as being the last.

There is far less evidence the emerging latter approach, nonetheless it does seem to be delivering better value, on two counts. An example may be that the newly created state is more durable, and the second is always that people are much better able to accept and indeed champion future changes. This wave makes absolute sense to anyone in operation for the long term, because nothing is as safe a bet as being the future will continue to require people to change.

The more we observe these approaches to change the more we see the former conventional approach reflected widely in society. By taking a look around you will observe people everywhere seeking instant gratification of just one sort or another. There will be a growing obsession in society most importantly for instant payback. Notice how advertising is beginning to change. We have faster moving images and sound bites hypnotising us into brand loyalty. Soap operas and comedy serials move faster right now pushing shorter bursts of multiple scenarios onto our screens. Product life-cycles are shortening as consumers demand new and various functionality from their gadgets. Anyone who can keep up with fashion may be earning much more compared to they need.

Notice also the unprecedented improvement in the number of places to gamble. Walk down any suburban high street or shopping area and you should see that betting shops now come in clusters. Count the number of gaming websites, scratch-cards, lotto tickets and competitions, and win yourself an ipod if you get within 200 of your actual figure. I'm not sure anyone who is financially well-off who gambles hoping of making more money. Maybe for the reason that few people get rich by gambling, and history signifies that those who beat it can be and are lucky enough to win have difficulty managing their finances, and quite often end up losing my way through a short space of time. Those who gamble are usually poorer compared to they want to be, whilst the professional gambler likes a bit more control over the odds and it is more likely to invest in the stock market.

There are more gurus giving us the secrets to wealth creation, and they are drawing larger audiences of folks that want to be saved with the labour of working it for themselves. Make me rich, cause me to feel thin, make me attractive, cause me to feel sexy and make me happy. It's almost like people are giving up on themselves looking elsewhere for their instant gratification.

Organisations also seek instant gratification. They desire an instant return on their investment. That is to be expected when you are buying raw materials, or new technology, but more unlikely that in the change stakes. Yet this doesn't seem to prevent some companies from 'sheep-dipping' people hoping that large scale behaviour change will follow. It rarely does. For this you need to bite the bullet and go on a longer term view, in order that change can become a fundamental portion of what people do on a daily basis. The next change won't be so easy to predict, and once it arrives in your doorstep you need to move quickly. If your people are wired positively for change you will be able to respond in good time. However, when they have just gotten helpful to the last change then you're probably going to sheep-dip once again.

Matinee Honkytonk Man Cursed Matchmakers Live And Let Spy Chances Are Death At A Funeral Sitting on the Moon Drake and Josh Go Hollywood Ski School 2 Reindeer Games HD Goode Morning The Man Called Flintstone Rules Of Engagement Pilot HD Lies Illusions Do It For Uncle Manny VIPs Area 51 HD Play the Game Steve Byrne The Identity The Estate Agent Go Fish All Aboard The Crazy Train George Carlin Jammin New York Raptures Delight HD Jim Norton Monster Rain Welcome To Mooseport Zen Noir Vice Versa My Stepmother is an Alien I Have To Go 30 Live and Let Diet Los Tres Garcia Prehistoric Ice Man Review Moms Away Part 1 Were Not Married Dill Scallion Ace Ventura Jr Pet Detective Two Can Play That Game Zombie Farm Final Cut Widescreen Episode 1 Trilogy The Presidents Analyst Forbidden Zone In Color Loose Cannons The Incredible Shrinking Woman Certifiably Jonathan What A Guy Thing

When you are considering equipping people with skills, there's no skill in greater demand versus ability to embrace and adapt positively to change. This fact alone is in charge of the growth in courses which challenge the norms which employees and managers operate from, and encourage more creative idea generation. Yet it is early days yet. Many blue chip employers are usually not getting this message for their radar. Many are actively filtering it and staying with convention. Can doing all this mean they prefer to have their employees in the dark? Exactly what are they worried about? If employees find yourself thinking smarter might they prefer their newfound wisdom to get a more up-to-date company to get results for? Perhaps one which knows how to tap into their true potential and gives a real stretch and challenge recommended to their capability?